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Gate Academy Test Series



檔案大小:5.6 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 12.2 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Gate Academy Test Series(圖1)-速報App

About Gate Academy

GATE ACADEMY has been established by Mr Umesh Dhande in the year 2004 with the goal of imparting technical education to the students, keeping in view the global technological developments and to meet the requirements of the Engineers and transform them into professionals of distinguishable standards.Initiating programmes & continously enhancing the quality of the students. Our aim is to create an entrepreneurial attitude, spirit and result-oriented motivation among budding engineers. Endeavour to become a recognized center of high level technological research and learning in the country. "

Gate Academy Test Series(圖2)-速報App

"The mission of GATE ACADEMY will be to provide every opportunity for each students to attain the best of their capabilities & create in them the desire to excel. The seeds for the craving for excellence would be sown in the minds of the students as soon as they enter the portals of GATE ACADEMY. The GATE ACADEMY act as a catalyst in creating excellence in technical education. Promoting convergence of knowledge, Information, Technology & Skills. It also provide the requisite know how and generate a work force with the right kind of professional, Instincts,Values,Attitude and expertise."

About Online Test Series

Gate Academy Test Series(圖3)-速報App

Gate Academy's Online test series app is designed to provide exactly same exam environment as in real GATE Exam. We are offering more than 50 tests for 4 branches each i.e. 1) Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

2)Electrical Engineering 3) Mechanical Engineering 4) Civil Engineering

Gate Academy Test Series(圖4)-速報App

Due to Gate academy's test series a large no of students got selected for IIT'S NIT'S AND in VariouS PSU'S

Salient Features of Online Test Series

Gate Academy Test Series(圖5)-速報App

50+ Quality tests for each branch

20 Topic wise test

Gate Academy Test Series(圖6)-速報App

20 Subject wise test

10 full length Mock

Gate Academy Test Series(圖7)-速報App

Performance Analysis through ALL INDIA rank generation

Detailed Solution with step by step explanation of questions

Gate Academy Test Series(圖8)-速報App

Enhanced Technical Gadgets available such as Virtual Calculators, Virtual numerical Pad

fast uploading and user friendly interface.

Gate Academy Test Series(圖9)-速報App

Performance comparison tool help in analyzing week areas of yourself with the top ranker

Instant technical support to resolve any technical issue instantly.

支援平台:iPhone, iPad